Turkish American Friendship Society of US


Please join us as we celebrate the 101th Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic of Turkey

Date Saturday, November 2, 2024
Time5:30 pm - 11pm
LocationThe Inn at Villanova
601 County Line Rd. Radnor, PA 19087
Google Map

Below you may find detailed information on our event. We look forward to seeing you.

5:30-7:00 cocktail hour
6:00-6:45 TAFSUS Chorus
7:00 Dinner
7:30 Music and Dance with Arda
9:00 Raffle
11:00 adjourned


Photos from past years


Please visit our membership page to get more information about TAFSUS Membership and become a member.


  1. Founded in 1966, TAFSUS is one of the most established Turkish American Associations in the USA. It is also recognized as one of the best and most professionally managed organizations within ATAA's umbrella with consistently well-run events and programs.

  2. TAFSUS' annual membership fee of $75 per year covers all the members of a family and has been kept at this modest level for 15 years. Equally modest is the annual student membership of $20.

  3. With every event and program that TAFSUS organizes and administers, TAFSUS strives to create a better understanding of Turkey and Turkish culture and through this better knowledge, friendship between American and Turkish communities. By being consistent in its goals in disseminating accurate and balanced information about Turkey, Turkish history and culture, it instills a sense of pride of Turkish heritage in the Turkish community.

  4. Social events are organized throughout the year, including on major Turkish holidays so that members of TAFSUS can meet and greet and get to know each other and network. Several events are held at Turkish restaurants to financially support these restaurants.

  5. An annual Dinner Dance is organized to celebrate the founding of the Turkish Republic and to remember and commemorate Ataturk's work and revolutions. The War of Liberation and the circumstances under which the Turkish Republic was established and how the Turkish nation was born are remembered and honored.

  6. TAFSUS strives to educate the American public through its lectures program often in joint sponsorship with the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia. A recent example was the visit and program with the Turkish Ambassador, who spoke on a wide range of topics concerning Turkish-US relations.

  7. Recognizing that a teacher teaches hundred of students over his/her lifetime, specific emphasis has been placed on teacher education with TAFSUS sponsoring Turkey Travel Study Fellowships through the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia for high school and middle school teachers, principals, deputy principals and curriculum directors. 49 educators have been sent to Turkey for 2 week study tours during the last 10 years, with the selection process stressing study of Turkey in classrooms.

  8. The Fellowships program has also been married with teacher education workshops for further specific study of Turkey for a much larger group of teachers and a Portrait of Turkey program for select high school students, with these session often being taught by Turkey fellows. The success of these programs have been recognized by their adoption and funding nationally by the Turkish Cultural Foundation.

  9. By providing grants through the American Research Institute of Turkey(ARIT) and the Community College of Philadelphia, TAFSUS also supports further study of Turkey and funds American and Turkish scholars, professors and college students studying in USA and Turkey.

  10. TAFSUS' education has recently been extended to the children of the Turkish American community in the Greater Philadelphia area with the establishment of the ATA School for the teaching of Turkish, Turkish history and geography at the Montgomery County Community College. Children of TAFSUS members are extended a discount on the tuition.

  11. TAFSUS annually participates in the Annenberg Center's week long International Children Festival with Turkish arts and crafts projects with hands-on experience of them by the visiting children.

  12. TAFSUS has organized Turkish Nights at the Philadelphia Museum of Art with Turkish music, dances, arts and crafts display and a sampling of Turkish food, which were well attended by PMA's members.

  13. TAFSUS is in the process of sponsoring and participating in an all day long Turkish Culture Day at the UPenn Museum on May 3, 2008 with lectures on Turkish archaeological sites, Turkish food demonstrations, Turkish dances just to name a few activities to familiarize the American public with Turkish culture.

  14. Throughout the year, TAFSUS informs its members about its own events and programs and also of other news and programs to do with Turkey and Turkish culture. It also inform its members and urges them to take action against any legislature taking place in US Congress which is against Turkey such as the Armenian resolution.

  15. Your membership fee funds all the benefits listed above and makes you an active participant in this vital and effective Turkish American association, which is purely run by volunteeers and which justly deserves your support. Become a member today so your whole family can benefit from TAFSUS' programs and activities.